Lisa is an expert in the use of voice, music and Vocal Sound Healing™ as key pathways into self-knowledge. Lisa's company, Resonant Sounds, LLC creates Social Impact Theaer projects, and products for parents and their babies.

Lisa offers classes to help you achieve your goals. All teaching programs include working with sound.

•Self Empowerment
Vocal Sound Healing™
• Utilizing Positive Intention Music™
•The Five Worlds

Don't miss Lisa's recorded Podcast with Gail Hayssen

Gail Hayssen is the writer, storyteller and shaman initiated in the mongolian Buriat tradition who inspired Lisa to present in Mongolia. Listen in as Lisa describes her spiritual journey from television actress, playwright and performance poet to sound healer, author and teacher. 

 Here is their lively conversation: A Small Medium at Large




Idaho Adventure

I have been outside of my life
Rafting down the Middlefork of the Salmon River in Idaho.
We brought our grandson for his 12th birthday
For his journey into a world of mountains, camping, and river -
To get to know us in a new way - heart to heart with nature.
We traveled with guides and other people -
Kind and funny- adventurous people
Some who had kids 13 and 14.
Everyone liked kids and jokes, and white water splashing.
We traded places in row boats and paddle boats,
Ate on beaches in soaking clothes, careful to not spill the great food,
Careful to leave no trace.
We were a mixed lot of women of all ages,
Men with grey hair and buffed arms,
Teenage boys with cocky smiles,
And young guides with great talent for river life.
Courageous people took turns in the duckie kayaks -
So many were dunked by the powerful waves and
Forced to scramble back into their tiny boats
Before being smashed on a rock or worse.
Fortunately, all were fine – laughing – helping – giving…
We became great humans.
A glorious way to know each other - in nature.

©2011 Lisa Rafel

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