Don't miss Lisa's recorded Podcast with Gail Hayssen

Gail Hayssen is the writer, storyteller and shaman initiated in the mongolian Buriat tradition who inspired Lisa to present in Mongolia. Listen in as Lisa describes her spiritual journey from television actress, playwright and performance poet to sound healer, author and teacher. 

 Here is their lively conversation: A Small Medium at Large


Key Research Lesson

Both nourishment and cuddly comfort are important for infants.

One of the most intriguing and visually arresting studies of attachment and connection between mothers and infants came from the provocative studies of Dr. Harry Harlow at the University of Wisconsin. Harlow studied infant rhesus monkeys and asked the question, was it just feeding that connected a baby to its mother or is comfort another important factor?

Harlow’s results were striking. It was very clear that infant monkeys value food and comfort. They conducted the study by depriving baby monkeys of contact with their mothers. They gave the infant monkeys the choice between just wire- framed “mothers” with food, or “terrycloth” mothers who provided a sense of contact and softness. The infant monkeys were drawn to not only the nourishment but the comfort as well.  Cuddly contact proves to an important factor in the survival of the infant monkeys.  Monkeys exposed to “terry cloth mothers” survived better than those who were nourished but received no comfort. It was also learned that those baby monkeys who separated from their parents were more likely to have difficult peer relationships and were less able to raise their own babies. These principles are believed to apply to humans as well. In summary, feeding is necessary but not sufficient to support your baby. Intimate snuggly connection time is critical for healthy growth of infants.

Key Research Lesson

Securely attached children
actively explore their world with positive enthusiasm
and periodically check back with their parents in natural ways.

Mary Ainsworth, Ph.D. has conducted striking studies about how effectively children attach to their parents or caregivers. Ainsworth developed an experiment to see how babies reacted to their mother’s departure in what was perceived to be a stressful circumstance. They also observed what happens when there is a reconnection between parent and child. Called the "Strange Situation", this experiment became a recognized experimental process to assess a child’s connection to parents. Observations revealed great differences among children who were secure versus those who were not. A child that is secure showing greater adaptability and capacity to cope with issues in an unfamiliar situation.  Security in a child is developed through the caregivers showing consistent awareness and responsiveness to an infant’s needs. A babies needs are continually shifting and parents who are able to adjust to those needs are likely to support the sense of security in their child.

Key Research Lesson

There are multiple stages or opportunities
to bond between parent and newborn.

John Kennell, M.D. and Marshall Klaus, M.D. explored the idea that there was a special period right after birth that enables a powerful physiological and psychological bond between parent and child. They suggested that a critical window existed for babies to attach to their parents. However, they also indicated that if the initial bonding did not occur right after birth, that a second window of opportunity occurred in the first trimester of a babies life. In other words, if a baby is compromised by health needs or other circumstances, there are additional chances to bond beyond those initial moments after being born.

Key Research Lesson

Babies who hear music in utero do have a memory
and preference for the music to which they were exposed.

Research studies over the past 25 years point to the power of sound as an influence on prenatal infants. Studies suggest that babies in the womb are sensitive, responsive, and learning oriented. These studies reveal the power of music to impact prenatal memory, responsiveness and health.

Memory and Preference

  • Newborns learn and remember their mother’s heartbeat and voice.
  • Newborns prefer the music they heard their mother sing while in utero rather than new material sung by their mother.
  • Babies “remember” music they heard in utero and preferred it to new music.
  • In utero infants prefer tempos that resemble their own heart beat.
  • Babies prefer hearing those stories, music, rhymes and poems heard initially in the womb.


  • As a parent, the sounds you make, your sonic environment and the sounds your baby hears in utero are vitally important and impact your baby.
  • Using sound to deliberately create the right environment is an important step in mindful parenting.
  • Music can be a great way to initiate the bonding process with your in utero baby.