Day 1
Be still. Breathe this moment. All moments begin this way.
Born — out of nothing.
Day 2
Time wants to be your friend.
Breathe quickly. Notice the speed around you.
Now, breathe slowly. Feel the shift. If you let it, the world will follow.
Day 3
Sing today in the shower. Let the water bathe you with a soft hand.
You, are to be cherished. It is true.
Day 4
When power becomes large and deafening it drowns out the voice in your heart.
Day 5
Tension grows in the passageways of doubt. With belief, doubt disappear.
Day 6
You are more than your thoughts, your actions, your desires, and your fears.
Those are the reflections that shine through the small windows and doors of you.
Day 7
Like the small dust that floats in the air all around you,
Miracles are seen in the light.
Wait. All will come to you in time. Be still.
Look at the stars. Let your heart sing.
We will hear your song and find you.
©2006 Lisa Rafel